The Distractions

We All Struggle with Something

Feeling lonely, sad, and unappreciated?

Having doubts?


Moving without any sense of spiritual direction?

Thinking forgiveness is out of reach because of all the sins committed?

Making negative choices they wish they could stop but lack the willpower?

You may ask yourself, "How can I help Muslim brothers and sisters currently going through it, struggling to stay straight when I can barely keep it together myself? Maybe, they use drugs or drink alcohol, have non-marital sexual relations, don’t pray regularly and ...


Who is helping them address their issues?


Who is there for them when they realize it’s time to change?


Where's the judge free place for Muslims that are hurting inside to go and be welcomed and reminded that they don't have to struggle alone?


The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever.”


Are you feeling any pain to see the state of Muslims? Before receiving revelation Prophet Muhammad’s (ﷺ) heart was restless about the moral evils and idolatry that were rampant among his people. His heart was troubled by the sad lot of humanity. Is your heart not troubled too?


Many of the issues resulting from following desires while moving away from the straight path have similar root causes and cures. But overtime, people struggling often begin to believe it’s too late to turn back or too hard to change right now (waking up - and feeling regret). 


Maybe you’re wondering what can you do? You’re not a shaykh, Imam or an Islamic teacher. You have faults and commit sins too.


How can you tell others what to do when you have your own issues to deal with?


Why even bother thinking things will be better, you can do better, if every time you try again, you end up falling short?


Going Through It Too?

Watch this video>>



You're Not Alone

We know what it feels like to be invisible, dispensable, and inconspicuous.

There is a collective pain that is plaguing our community and that is the absence of pain. The pain is the lack of empathy. It’s people not feeling enough for other’s pain to be driven to help. The pain is when people feel that no one really cares about them. It’s looking and listening but not seeing and hearing the hearts of people. Having contact but not real connection. Everyone is too busy with their own life to care about anyone else. We’re online but distant.

Even harder is the isolated lives we now live, especially since the start of the pandemic. There’s no feeling of jama’a - a Muslim community that gets you and you get them.

Our heart breaks when we meet people who share how they’ve been hurting inside for so long, being pulled in all kinds of directions, but choosing to do so alone. The pain and sadness that often accompanies a person conflicted with where they presently are versus where they wish they could be is growing.

Fortunately, there are activities we’d like to share with you to help yourself or those you care about build the positive mindset, habits, will- power, to not only get through these tests but help others as well.

The 5 Day Going Through It Challenge

The 5 Day “Going Through It” Challenge

For those currently going through it (struggling to do the things you know you should be or voiding the people or things you should) or anyone wanting to help other Muslims who are currently going through it, WMEC has a 5-day challenge.

The Going Through It Challenge is a daily task where you day by day learn a little more about how to slowly take actions to build focus and form habits that strengthen your heart, faith, and appreciation for your life.

This 5-day challenge will work on:

Increasing your personal confidence that they can become a better human-being and Muslim
Learning how things can get better and identifying actions to see progress

Practicing a basic framework to help one (going through it) navigate a path to getting straight either alone and or with the help of others

Gaining momentum to build habits that actively address negative affecting issues of the hearts and minds

Who's This For?

Who Is This Challenge for?

The challenge is for anyone who felt difficulty or is currently struggling with the feeling of:

  • Praying

    Not having the focus or willpower to do things that bringing you closer to Allah

  • Conflicted

    Feeling conflicted about doing things you know you shouldn't be doing but keep doing anyway

  • Gathering

    Feeling like because of your past sins, you're now uncomfortable going a Muslim community for support because you think they may judge you


WMEC - Helping You Get Through it

We are WMEC Willingboro Muslim Education Circle (WMEC) We are Willingboro Muslim Education Circle (WMEC), a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to educating Muslims and Non-Muslims about Islam.

The Imam of the WMEC community is Rasul Suluki.

Imam Suluki’s is no stranger to supporting Muslims going through the toughest of circumstances including those in prisons and mental facilities. Retired from New Jersey State Prison as the Supervisor of Chaplaincy Services after 32 years, he has offered counseling and guidance to those ranging from the suicidal, men on death row, and those in between. This includes people who had given up on life in spite of being Muslim. He has seen human beings at their lowest, but he has also seen his efforts by Allah redeemed hopeless, depressed and desolate Muslims and non-Muslims to become productive and positive people.

Imam Rasul believes that no matter how dark thing may appear, there's always the light of Allah. That light can transform the darkest of hearts.

His experience working with prisoners provided an unusual opportunity to some of the most negative individuals with the hardest of hearts build a new vision of themselves and this world, Al Hamdullilah. And through it, he has witnessed so many people get released from their spiritual and physical prisons and to go on to live positive Islamic lives.


What to Do Next?

  • Connect in person or online with a Muslim community who wants to see
    you grow and values your efforts
  • Take steps to help your heart and will power get stronger
  • Challenge yourself to avoid distractions and negative influences
Talk To An Imam


Join us in person or online

Virtually gain the knowledge and support to help you or those you care about get through the easy and tough times while growing stronger

Physically be a part of a community that you can turn to in good and hard times - without feeling judged